Nick Schmiedeler
"Tridentia Kinetica"
100% recycled metal parts, ping-pong balls
48 x 60 x 36 inches
A completely kinetic piece; all three arms move on springs, and each individual item spins also.
Born and raised in Prairie Village, Kansas, Nick attended Rockhurst High School, Kansas State
University, and then Avila University where he received a Bachelor in Nursing in 1995. Upon
moving to Lawrence in 1995, Nick and his wife bought a 19th Century Craftsman-style house in
Old West Lawrence, where a rustic, folk art environment has been created.
With the help of son Cooper and daughter Goldie, he often frequents the local salvage and scrap
metal yards - along with local alleys, nature trails, and river banks - in search
of natural,
discarded, and recycled materials to create indoor and outdoor sculptures.
Nick joined the Lawrence Art Guild in 2007 and began showing sculptures immediately;
established his art website, Vollskulptur.com, in 2010; and recently had his home featured on an
HGTV episode of 'Home Strange Home.' He has also displayed and sold his sculptures all over the
Midwest. |
Nick Schmiedeler
"Gigantor Bottle Tree"
100% recycled metal materials*
96 x 60 x 60 inches
*Rebar, industrial ring stand, farm weather vane (on top)
and a discarded film screen metal tube from the KU Union
(the tree trunk). "Gigantor" has 84 rebar branches to hold
84 bottles. |
Nick Schmiedeler
"Sweep Tree Casa"
100% recycled metals and wood*
84 x 48 x 48 inches
*Rebar, springs, street-sweeper brushes and wooden
birdhouse. This tree was based on old jet-age rocket-ship
designs. |